RULE #1 _ Say No To E-mail

E-mail marketing (a.k.a. e-mail blasting) is out trend since years back.

Collecting customer’s e-mail and send vouchers is no longer effective. It doesn’t count as Re-Marketing (as you always heard those online marketing experts said) because many rarely use e-mail in daily life.

Instead of e-mail, collecting Facebook ID or Mobile Number for login purpose to your website, would be much effective.

RULE #2 _ Create Standard Website

Creating a website means opening an online signboard – to inform people of what you do and how to connect with you.

RULE #3 _ Build Engagement

Humanized your business, not as a robot that waits for sale. You shall build strong social exposure in different online platform –

Why Facebook? Facebook is the mainstream channel where most Malaysians spend time on. You can generate contents on Facebook, interact with your audience, operate a shop, conduct a live stream session and etc. This could generate strong followership that strengthen your business image.

Why Instagram? Instagram is the platform that could visually attract audiences. By building great visual material, it creates a WOW effect that could boost your brand image. It is also an interactive platform where your audiences can be converted into potential clients and generating sales.

RULE #4 _ Start Selling

If you sell products, by building an e-commerce website allows you to sell 24/7. As long you are well-prepared with product display, packing system, shipping arrangement and trustable administration to check on the incoming orders and inquiries – you are ready to go! Running an online shop is less hassle; without the need to worry for other expenses such as renovation and utility bills.hidden

Instead of attracting crowd to your web store, you can opt to build a store at Lazada marketplace. It saves your time and money, as the platform has a strong, stable and ready market. If you are not confident, we can help to provide Lazada management service for you.hidden

Shopee is also an alternative platform that offers different shipping policy and sales method. You may opt for both too. It never goes wrong either way. Shopee management service is part of our expertise too.hidden